Digital and Computer Based Programs

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We deliver industry-leading qualifications in finance and banking. 

Big Data Analytics

The comprehensive short course in Big Data Analytics provides participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively analyze and derive insights from large and complex...

Text Mining for Manangers and Marketing Teams

This course provides comprehensive training on text mining techniques for managers and marketing teams. Participants will learn how to leverage text mining tools and techniques...

Qualitative Analysis using Nvivo and Atlas.ti

This course provides hands-on training in qualitative analysis of data using two leading software tools, namely NVivo and Atlas.ti. These tools are widely recognized and...

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

The Data Mining and Business Intelligence course is a vital component of modern-day business operations. It focuses on extracting valuable insights from large datasets and...

Advanced Excel Skills for Loan -Credit Department

Proficiency in Excel is vital for staff working in loan or credit departments of financial services institutions such as banks, Microfinance, SACCOs, investment clubs, and...

Advanced Excel Skills for Finance Managers and Planning Experts

Proficiency in Excel is essential for professionals in the financial services sector. This course offers advanced training in Excel, focusing on industry-specific applications and techniques....
This comprehensive training program is designed for beginners seeking to develop foundational skills in MS Office applications and basic computer usage. Participants will gain hands-on...

Advanced MS Office Productivity Tools

This comprehensive course is designed for intermediate and advanced learners who are already working using MS Office but are seeking to enhance their proficiency in...
This course provides hands-on training in computerized accounting utilizing leading accounting systems, namely Sage, Pastel, Tally ERP, and QuickBooks. These systems are widely recognized as...

Data Entry and Statistical Analysis

Gathering and analyzing information constitute crucial practices in lots of communities, sectors, and organizations. The first step in this process is data collection, which comprises...

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Digital and Computer Based Programs

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